Borrowing Services

Borrowing privileges only for Uttara University faculty, staff and Students with valid Uttara University Library membership.
User Category Reading Materials type Time Duration Quantity Renewal (Max)
Undergraduate Student Reference and Reserve Books 2 Hours 1 N/A
Graduate Student Books 15 Days 4 3
Faculty Books 30 Days 6 3
Faculty Reference and Reserve Books 3 Hours 1 N/A
Administrative Staff Books 30 Days 6 3
Administrative Staff Reference and Reserve Books 3 Hours 1 N/A

Renew Books Online or Offline

Students, faculty and staff can access their library account while using the online catalog in the Uttara University library OPAC.

Access will provide an overview of the user account and enable the user to view the item currently checked out with due dates, holds, blocks or fines. Users will not be allowed to renew any items that are overdue or requested by other Users. Users can also renew books physically.